Resources > Gen Z Attitudes > Today's Teenagers and Young Adults are Ready to Change the Future

Today's Teenagers and Young Adults are Ready to Change the Future

We must commit to including Gen Z in the conversation about their own education and futures. Learn how some of them sharing their own perspectives.
September 21, 2022

For any change to endure, it must be rooted in communities, driven by the people it will serve and informed by those who know our children best. Who knows our children better than themselves? It’s time for Gen Z to be welcomed as partners in shaping their future, rather than simply bystanders.

Over the last few years, the Walton Family Foundation has worked to uplift the voices of young people to shape the future of education. In this short video, Gen Zers share their perspectives on education, community and why they need to be a part of the conversation.

In order to advance in this country, you need the best education, the best teachers, the best support systems, and if you don’t have that, it’s very easy to fall off.
Jacob Idra